Hair Laser Removal & IPL Treatments

Hair Removal Treatments

Hair no more

Freedom from shaving

What You Need To Know Before Doing Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair reduction is the best and safe way to remove unwanted hair from the face and body. Here is what you need to know before doing laser hair removal.

No More Shaving or Waxing!

Laser hair reduction is one of the most effective methods available that can be used almost anywhere on the face and body. Unlike other methods such as waxing and shaving laser hair removal gives long lasting results. The hair will become finer, softer and the growth will reduce more and more with each treatment.

Don't tweeze or wax in between sessions

In between laser treatments it is recommended not to wax or pluck the area being treated other than shaving or trimming. By disconnecting the hairs from the root may stimulate more growth in the area.

Will laser  Work on Blonde, White or Red Hairs

Laser hair removal machines are attracted to the pigment in your hair. Hairs which are blonde, white or red lack pigment. Finer hairs and hairs which are a very light brown are also more difficult to treat. It is always best to book a consultation to  check your hair growth before purchasing a course. 

I have a Tattoo, will laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal is not ideal in the area you have a tattoo, the laser may burn the area or cause the tattoo to fade. If you are looking to have a tattoo removed then this is not the correct procedure for you to go for. You would need to look for a salon who offers this treatment.

Takes More Than One Session. It's Not a One Off Treatment. 

Laser works well when hairs are in an Anagen phase. There are 3 stages of hair growth in the cycle, from actively beginning growth from the root to hair shedding. These are known as the Anagen phase, Catagen phase and Telogen phase.

On average 70% of your growth will be in the anagen phase at any given time. Therefore you are recommended to take up a course of between 6 – 12 sessions. 

It's a Long Term Reduction

You could potentially be hair-free for years after your treatment has finished. You will require maintenance sessions in order to prolong the results. 

It's Amazing

After one session people begin to see their hair growth slow down and take longer to reappear. The areas which respond the best are underarms, private areas and the lower legs. Not only does laser reduce hair-growth it has a few more added benefits. There is a reduction in bad odours and it can also help with ingrown hairs.

Are there any side effects?

Make sure you inform your provider of any medications you may be taking. Once they have given you the go ahead there are no long term side effects with laser. It's completely safe. Immediately after treatment the skin can sometimes become red or slightly itchy, but this dies down within 2 – 48 hours.

Not Too Pricey

Laser has been out long enough now that there is plenty of competition for laser clinics. Therefore the prices have reduced significantly. Keep an eye out for special offers and promotions. 

Get the Right One For Your Skin

The Bio -lite laser machine works on most types, from Light to Dark skins. There are three types of laser to help for ech skin color.

You Can Do it ALL Over the Body

Yes, That's right, from head to toe. The scalp as well if you really want the remove those wispy hairs. You can even treat both male and female private areas. Most clients concerns is there risk of infertility - there are no risks, your in safe hands.

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